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HP Moonshot-4QSFP+ Uplink Module Kit. Vezel-optische connector: QSFP+. Compatibiliteit: HP Moonshot 1500. Stroomverbruik (typisch): 12,5 W. Gewicht: 963 g. Aansluitingen: 1 x RJ-45 Serial
Do you want the freedom to simplify deployment with low-latency uplink connectivity? When you deploy your HP Moonshot 1500 Chassis, you have the ability to include up to two 4-port HP Moonshot-4QSFP+ Uplink Modules. Paired with the HP Moonshot-180G Switch Module, you have a modular system that can dramatically simplify your data center.
By disaggregating the uplink module from the internal switch, you have greater flexibility to deploy your choice of external interconnect and to future-proof your investment. The Moonshot-4QSFP+ Uplink Module features a low-power, low-latency design with four 40 GbE QSFP+ ports. Each uplink module delivers 160 GbE of aggregate bandwidth to connect the HP Moonshot System to an external network.
Performance and Reliability
• HP Moonshot-4QSFP+ Uplink Module provides high I/O performance with reduced oversubscription.