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The HP FlexFabric 10Gb 2-port 526FLR-SFP+ Converged Network Adapter is a low cost, low power dual port PCIe v2.0 x8 lane adapter designed for use in HP ProLiant Gen8 rack and scalable servers. The HP 526FLR-SFP+ addresses the demanding needs of the next-generation data center by by combining the concurrent functionality of a NIC (Ethernet), iSCSI, and Fibre Channel onto a single converged network adapter reducing the number of adapters and cables; reducing acquisition and operational costs. The ability to concurrently run LAN, iSCSI and FCoE traffic provides HP customers with flexibility and scalability; thus reducing the cabling and configuration complexities of multiple adapters. The HP 526FLR-SFP+ CNA enables connections with Direct Attach Copper cables as well as SR fiber optic modules. The HP 526FLR-SFP+ supports networking features such as VLAN tagging, Low latency interrupts, TCP/IP checksum offloading, MSI-X, NIC teaming (bonding), RSS, WOL, jumbo frames and PXE boot.
Eisen aan de omgeving | |
Relatieve luchtvochtigheid, in bedrijf | 10 - 90 procent |
Temperatuur, in bedrijf | 0 - 55 °C |
Energie | |
Typisch stroomverbruik | 20 W |
Netwerk | |
Netwerkstandaard | IEEE 802.1p, IEEE 802.1Q, IEEE 802.3ad, IEEE 802.3ae, IEEE 802.3x |
Ethernet LAN | Ja |
Bandbreedte | |
Full duplex | Ja |
Overdrachtssnelheid (max) | 20000 Mbit/s |
Poorten & interfaces | |
Aantal Ethernet LAN (RJ-45)-poorten | 2 |
HDD Interface | Ethernet |
Hostinterface | PCI Express |
Intern | Ja |
Connectiviteitstechnologie | Bedraad |
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