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    AP769A StorageWorks 81B PCI-e FC HBA Single Port

    dit is een refurbished product
    € 20,00 Excl. BTW
    Direct leverbaar
    Partnummer: AP769A
    • 81B PCI-e Fibre Channel Single Port Host Bus Adapter
    • 8Gb/s transfer rate
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    Wanneer het artikel een 'Refurbished product' betreft is deze door ons getest en heeft het een A-grade conditie (tenzij anders aangegeven). Bij Refurbished artikelen zijn kabels, software media en handleidingen niet inbegrepen (tenzij anders aangegeven).

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    HPE AP769A. Intern. Connectiviteitstechnologie: Bedraad, Hostinterface: PCI Express, Interface: Ethernet. Maximale overdrachtssnelheid van gegevens: 8000 Mbit/s

    The introduction of the HP PCIe 8Gb Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters brings datacenter infrastructure components to a higher level of performance and efficiency with the ability to deliver twice the I/O performance of 4 Gb FC HBAs. An 8 Gb Fibre Channel HBA purchased today is backward compatible with 4 and 2 Gb storage networks and will protect future investments. When using storage intensive applications, such as backup/restore, database transactions, virtualization, and rich media, the increased performance of the 8 Gb infrastructure enables more rapid storage and retrieval of critical information.

    Finally, PCIe 8Gb FC Host Bus Adapters provide a number of features that work together to reduce power consumption, thus delivering a "green" benefit within the server.

    The Highest Performing Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters

    • The PCIe 8Gb Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters deliver twice the I/O performance of 4Gb FC HBAs.

    Best Fibre Channel HBAs for Virtualization

    • Ideal for the implementation of virtual servers with the power to drive multiple virtual machines.

    Latest Technology Supports Green Initiatives

    • HP 8 Gb FC HBAs have unique features in support of ‘green’ server technology.

    LET OP: Op refurbished producten geldt een garantieperiode van 90 dagen, tenzij anders aangegeven.


    Overige specificaties
    Compatibele besturingssystemen Microsoft Windows 2003Microsoft Windows Server 2008VMwareRed Hat LinuxSUSE Linux
    Afmetingen (BxDxH) 24,79 x 26,29 x 165 mm
    Gewicht en omvang
    Gewicht 2,73 kg
    Overdrachtssnelheid (max) 8000 Mbit/s
    Poorten & interfaces
    HDD Interface Ethernet
    Hostinterface PCI Express
    Intern Ja
    Connectiviteitstechnologie Bedraad
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    5121 DM Rijen
    The Netherlands

    T. +31 (0)161 22 61 41

    KvK. 18080985
    BTW. NL8152.36.700.B01

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