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HPE Brocade BladeSystem 4/12 SAN Switch
The Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch for HP c-Class BladeSystem delivers an easy to manage embedded Fibre Channel switch solution with 4 Gbps performance to HP BladeSystem c-Class customers deploying a small SAN or expanding their current SAN. The Brocade 4Gb SAN Switch hot-plugs into the back of the HP BladeSystem c-Class Enclosure, freeing up rack space. Server and switch interconnects internal to the BladeSystem reduce cabling, SFPs and associated costs while improving reliability. Shared power and cooling resources further reduce costs and additional points of failure. Trunking between the SAN facing ports and external Brocade or HP StorageWorks B-series switches provides a higher bandwidth solution. External facing ports auto-sense lower bandwidth components for flexibility and investment protection.
Warranty: Standaard garantieverklaring: (1-1-1) HardwareOne-year on-sitenormal business hours, next business day response, installation not included. SoftwareHP warrants only that the software media will be free of physical defects for a period of ninety (90) days from delivery.