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Is switch traffic and cabling a nightmare for you? The Moonshot 1500 Chassis comes with up to two HP Moonshot-180G Switch Modules each, so traffic is better managed, and units can be stacked for better resiliency. Each node is connected directly to the switch module via a single lane of high-speed fabric interconnect, providing a dedicated, low-latency 1 GbE bandwidth path to each node in the Moonshot System.
These switches deliver high-density and low-power switching with Layer 2 and Layer 3 routing for ideal performance, delivered with the networking management features you expect and need. The Moonshot-180G Switch Module communicates with the external network through a Moonshot-4QSFP+ Uplink Module to deliver higher I/O performance with reduced oversubscription. The Moonshot-180G Switch Module provides sFlow and standard SNMP MIBs support for detailed switch statistics and telemetry. Instrumented for Quality of Service, license keys are not required for manageability features.
Performance with Efficiency
• The HP Moonshot-180G Switch Module offers redundant, dual switches that provide traffic isolation and have the ability to stack for resiliency.
Manageability at Scale
• Each HP Moonshot-180G Switch Module provides a 1 GbE out-of-band management port shared with iLO Chassis Manager for SSH or telnet sessions.
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