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The HP StorageWorks 1510i Modular Smart Array (MSA1510i) is an iSCSI interface based 2U controller unit that connects to both HP StorageWorks Serial ATA (SATA) and/or SCSI disk enclosures and provides a flexible low cost, high capacity storage solution. The MSA1510i has been specifically designed as a foundation for future solutions to ensure maximum investment protection. For businesses that need enterprise class SCSI reliability and performance, the MSA1510i can attach up-to-four MSA30 SCSI enclosures for a native capacity of 16.8TB (using fifty-six 300GB SCSI disks). The MSA1510i is also perfect for less expensive storage solutions using SATA enclosures to store data that doesn't require a high degree of I/O performance and/or is viewed as non-mission critical to business operations. The MSA1510i supports up-to-eight attached SATA enclosures which can provide up to 64TB (using 750GB SATA disk drives) of capacity.